Here's the part 3:
1) Open up the girl image.
Double click on the lock icon on the layer and then select ok when a pop up appear.
2) Use the pen tool to trace the body of the girl, but stay far away from her hair.Once done, right click > make selection. Enter feather radius as 0 and check the anti - aliased box. Then click ok.
3) Select the Rectangular marquee tool > right click > select inverse. Press Ctrl + X to remove the background.
4) Use the Magic Wand Tool to remove the background around the hair and feather. Then, select the Blur tool to soften the edges of the hair. The final product would look like this.
5) Drag the girl into the big canvas and place it at the center.
6) Drag the castle image
and place it below the girl layer. Position the image at the left.
7) Drag the image with the boat
and place it ontop of the castle layer.
8) Click the add layer mask while highlighting the boat layer. Choose the gradient tool, set the color from Black to white. Drag the pointer from the bottom of the castle until slightly at the upper image of the boat. You will have something like this.
9) Open up this texture
and place it below the girl, but ontop of everything else. Set it to color dodge.
10) Create a new layer, place it under the castle layer and rename it as Blue. Select the Brush tool, pick a light blue color (#9ab2dc). With the opacity set at 100% and flow at 37%, color the white background underneath the eye.
11) Create a new layer on top of the blue layer, rename it as pink and set the layer type to Soft Light. Choose a light pink color (#ce1dd4) with the flow of 24% and cover the blue a little bit.
2) Open up this old looking texture
and place it ontop of the girl. Set the layer type to Soft light. Erase the surrounding area that is covered by the texture, but leave the one that's covering the girl.
13) Create a new layer and use the splatter brush to cover up the girl like this. (using various grey colors)
14) Change the layer type to Color Dodge and you'll get something like this.
15) Next, open up this texture
and place it horizontally, by covering up all the canvas. Set the layer type to Multiply. Erase the center of the canvas while leaving the border so that it'll look like this.
16) The last step is the fonts. I used the Chopinscript for the "Carnival of" and Adobe Caslon Pro for "VENICE". I use drop shaodw, outer glow and pattern overlay effects to get the vintage look. I made a few changes (resizing and putting a bit more color after a thought) and this is the final look for my e-wallpaper.
End of e-wallpaper tutorial.
PS: I hope my tutorial does makes sense.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these pictures. These pictures are copyright of their respective owner. (I would link back to them, but I've forgotten where I found them. Therefore, credits goes to their owner).
Reference: (I've improvised the tutorial to suit to my theme)
Yes, your tutorial is clear. Next time, remember to take down the links where you got your images. Must learn to do referencing. See: